[Efficacy of cytoflavin in patients in the acute ischemic stroke].

Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. 2010;(12):29-36


We present the results of a multicenter study on efficacy of cytoflavin in the treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke. Seventy patients (41 of the main group and 29 of the control group) were enrolled in the study. All patients received basic therapy aimed at improving systemic hemodynamics, rheological blood properties and at the prevention of stroke complications. Patients of the main group were treated with cytoflavin as follows: days 1-10 - 20 ml (in 400 ml of the 0,9% NaCl solution) twice a day intravenously in drops; days 11-35 - 850 mg twice a day. We assessed the dynamics of restoration of lost functions (NIHSS, the Rankin scale, the Barthel index) and volumes of ischemic lesion (MRI T1-, T2-, diffusion-weighted images). Results of the study on patients of the control group were supplemented with literature data about 306 patients studied using clinical scales and 40 patients studied with MRI. We revealed a trend towards an effect of cytoflavin on the preservation of brain matter in the acute phase of stroke. Cytoflavin reduced the neurological deficit and improved activities of daily living in patients that may be explained by the less brain damage.

Methodological quality
